Our Spiritual Leader

Reverend Dr. Lori Cardona

Our founder and spiritual leader is Reverend Dr. Lori Cardona. She holds a BA in Psychology, an MA in Counseling and a Doctorate in Holistic Theology. She served for over 25 years as an executive administrator, counselor, consultant, and educator in the field of human services before getting her call to ministry. “My call to ministry came by way of an actual phone call! A friend called to tell me about an Interfaith Seminary that sounded right up my alley in that it aligned with my personal spiritual explorations, studies, and experiences with multiple paths. As soon as I hung up from that phone call, I called The New Seminary and asked for the admissions application.”

Rev. Lori began her studies at The New Seminary of Interfaith Ministries in 1998, when she had a vision of what a truly inclusive, interfaith worship service would look like. She imagined a sacred and diverse worship experience for the spiritual seekers of her community, especially those who are more contemplative than dogmatic in their spiritual beliefs and practices.

LMC Interfaith Ministries was born of that vision and is now recognized by the state of Florida as a non-profit charitable organization. LMC is a spiritual non dogmatic ministry of peace and prayer. Our mission is to be of service, to provide opportunities for interfaith worship, to conduct classes that that educate people about world religions and various spiritual paths; theologies, rituals, culture, and spiritual practices. Our intention is to live, learn, and teach the ways of spirituality, brotherhood/sisterhood, peace, and higher consciousness.